November 2023
We are pleased to announce the participation to the next fier that will be held from 16 to 18 November 2023 at the Bologna Exhibition Center: FuturMotive.
April 2023
We were present at E-TECH EUROPE 2023O on 19 and 20 April 2023. The international trade fair dedicated to innovative technologies for the production of components, systems and processes to support the development and production of electric vehicles.
October 2022
An event not to be missed: BIMU 2022, Fiera Milano - 12-15 October.
With PMFactory and MakeAdditive we will be present with our stand at the most important autumn exhibition for the manufacturing industry. BIMU 2022.
September 2022
We returned from summer holidays with the desire for live events! We look forward to seeing you at FARETE, on 7 and 8 September 2022 at Bologna Fiere.
August 2022
We are pleased to announce the start of the collaboration with Voxeljet. The German manufacturer based in Augsburg that designs and manufactures industrial printers with binder jetting, technology capable of producing details in sand, ceramic or plastic.
June 2022
PMFACTORY will participate in Mecspe 2022, which will be held in the Bologna Fair from 9 to 11 June 2022.
March 2022
PMFACTORY will participate to E-TECH 2022, which will be held in Bologna Exhibition center from 12 to 13 March 2022.
February 2022
Our e-commerce MakeAdditive dedicated to the world of additive manufacturing has been recently launched.
February 2022
PMFACTORY, to improve its effectiveness in the world of mechanical engineering, has decided to expand its product range by offering solutions for metal additive. Now, thanks to our partnership with PrimaAdditive, we can offer metal 3D printers with two different technologies.
November 2021
PMFACTORY has recently bought two high-performance FFF industrial 3D printers: Germany's BigRep STUDIO G2 and Finland's miniFactory Ultra.
October 2021
PMFACTORY will participate to MECSPE 2021, which will be held in Bologna Fiere from 23 to 25 November.
March 2021
PMFACTORY, in order to improve its proposal of solutions for the printing of thermoplastic materials, has signed an agreement for the distribution in Italy of the printers of the Finnish Minifactory.
March 2021
We have recently closed an agreement with Springer Italy for training and consulting projects in the automotive and additive manufacturing areas.
January 2021
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a welding technology patented in December 1991 by The Welding Institute (TWI). This process is suitable for light metal alloys welding joints and has been perceived with great interest by the industrial world and, in the last few years, met a remarkable development mostly in naval, aerospace, railway and automotive applications.
November 2020
PMFACTORY® has signed an agreement with the German company BigRep for the distribution of its industrial 3D printers.
October 2020
PMFACTORY® is taking part of the jury composed by car designers, stylish and engineering experts, in the contest “Design for Future: Dream your 2025 FSAE Italy Car” organized by ANFIA.
June 2020
Our new acquisition of the professional tool Geomagic for SOLIDWORKS allows us to import the meshes of the 3D models scanned directly into SOLIDWORKS, one of the most advanced solutions on the market for importing scan to CAD.
May 2020
This year's edition of the Motor Valley Fest will take place via the web: from the 14th to the 17th of May.
Please join our online presentation which will be on May the 15th at 11.00 am, in what will be the largest virtual forum that has been developd to date. The forum will allow you to exchange views on innovations with universities and start-ups as well as information on professional prospects and educational paths .
May 2020
The 3D Scanner is a tool recently acquired by our company.
It allows us to recreate a three dimensional model of a component in such an extremely accurate way (9 thousandths of mm on measurements linear as regards the model of scanner included to the company: GOM ATOS CORE 300).
April 2020
PMFACTORY® has been working with China for some time to improve the service towards its customers. So we have structured a support in the Shanghai area.
For Italian companies, support in China can be particularly valuable for the following themes:
April 2020
PMFACTORY® Academy is the new training proposal of PMFACTORY®.
It is in the finalization phase the calendar of the courses 2020 and soon we’ll be launching following courses: